This is where Timmy Williams blathers on and on about comic books, science fiction, movies, TV shows, and other silly stuff. If you're looking for funny stories about chickens, check his other blog. If you're here to get nerdy, strap on your galoshes and let's wade through the manure that is pop culture minutiae.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm Back

Hey look! I started writing in this again! Hooray!

Well, I'm not going to Comic Con in San Diego. I really wanted to but it's not happening. Trevor gets to go though, so scratch one friend.

I found out today that Justice Society of America, one of DC's best titles, is about to get a crazy new teammate: KINGDOM COME SUPERMAN! That's ridiculous, right? I've been catching up on all this Multiverse stuff lately since DC has brought it back, and this (along with Anti-Monitor returning) is the kind of stuff I want to see! Both have been done by Geoff Johns, and I'm beginning to think he should just write EVERY DC TITLE.

Tomorrow two long-delayed Batman stories com out: Batman #666 and All-Star Batman #6. Both are being written by maniacs who are doing crazy things with Batman and I can't wait to see what's next.

I wrote back in May that I would be following "World War Hulk" and counting the bodyslams. Well, every issue so far has had body slams, but it's the same one! Almost every issue so far has been different characters watching the same thing happen, so we'll see where else it goes since several more pieces of the story come out tomorrow.

I bought an Animal Man action figure. I'm pretty sure it's the nerdiest thing I've done, which is saying something.

I got the huge Madman collection last week. I read the new title, which is CRAZY and existential and stuff, but haven't read the old stuff before. I'm really looking forward to it.

This was kind of a boring post. Sorry I didn't come back with a bang.

About Me

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I am in a comedy troupe. I read comic books. I eat nachos.