This is where Timmy Williams blathers on and on about comic books, science fiction, movies, TV shows, and other silly stuff. If you're looking for funny stories about chickens, check his other blog. If you're here to get nerdy, strap on your galoshes and let's wade through the manure that is pop culture minutiae.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sweet Baby Hubbard!

Okay, so I know this movie is hyped to all Hell by the Internerd community, but damn! Every nanosecond of this movie looks like to be the cartoon and sugar-induced fever dream of the 12 year old little boy in every single one of us*. I can't wait!

*Women and those under the age of 12 also have 12 year old boys inside of them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

DC and Marvel: Two Sides Of The Same Coin, Only It's One Of Those Trick Coins That's The Same Thing On Both Sides

I love mainstream comics and I always will. I will always enjoy keeping up with the Spider-Manses and Batmen and everybody else. They've got me hooked and I'll always be interested.


It's really getting out of hand.

Three years ago, Captain America got shot and died. Last summer, they revealed/made up that he had really just been shot with a time gun and was "unstuck in time." He eventually fought his way back to the present, only to find that his former sidekick had taken on his mantle.

Last year, Grant Morrison wrote about 120 pages of blather that didn't make any sense and then killed Batman at the end. And then he wrote another 160 pages of nonsensical blather and killed Batman again! Now it seems that Batman is stuck in the timestream and attempting to get back to the present. Once he gets here, he'll find that his former sidekick has taken up his mantle (and become more interesting than he has).

See what I mean?

And now, after about a decade each of "dark" stories and "putting their characters through the wringer," both companies are promising a more optimistic universe after each ends their current big event. Marvel is ringing in "The Heroic Age," which will put their classic teams and line-ups back together, restore classic heroes to their classic situations, and hopefully have Punisher stop being Frankenstein. DC is releasing "Brightest Day" and claiming that theirs is just another story and not a company-wide change like Marvel's, but I doubt it. They are still promising universal changes and I seriously doubt something called "Brightest Day" will bring about a less Heroic Age.

These are only two big examples, of course; there's literally thousands of similarities. For a while I followed both companies' titles, but it really is the same stories being told twice, and I gotta say...

Make Mine Marvel!

Except for Batman and a few other cool things, Marvel just has better characters than DC and that's all there is to it!

Now, if you make me pick out of all current comic-bookdom, it'd probably me more like "Make Mine Umbrella Academy and Also RASL Whenever It Does Actually Come Out" or something, but between the Big Two (One?) Marvel's just a little cooler, right?

The Lost Dark Tower Island

So I've been slowly poking my way through The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I'm currently reading Part 3, The Waste Lands. So far, the series is about a cowboy, a junkie, a mad black lady and a little kid searching for The Dark Tower, which is the nexus of reality. The group is connected by coincidence and destiny, and the world they explore is full of mysteries and hints of a technologically advanced group of people that used to live there.

The TV show "LOST" is about a group of plane crash survivors stranded on an island. The group is connected by coincidence and destiny, and the world they explore is full of mysteries and hints of a technologically advanced group of people that used to live there.

The dudes behind "LOST" have said more than a few times that they're influenced by King, especially Tower, and in fact they were going to work on a film adaptation of the series once "LOST" is done but that fell through. That's too bad for them, but someone really needs to make it into an HBO show. It'd be amazing.

Now, I'm not fully through either story yet, but I'm guessing that The Island and The Dark Tower end up being the same thing to their respective universes (universii?). Obviously, I'll find out what The Island is first, since there's no way I'm reading the remaining FOUR THOUSAND pages of The Dark Tower before "LOST" is over.

Also, the two series seem to have something else in common: making it up as they go along. But they're both entertaining as well as kind of almost deep, so whatever. I love it.

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I am in a comedy troupe. I read comic books. I eat nachos.