This is where Timmy Williams blathers on and on about comic books, science fiction, movies, TV shows, and other silly stuff. If you're looking for funny stories about chickens, check his other blog. If you're here to get nerdy, strap on your galoshes and let's wade through the manure that is pop culture minutiae.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kick-Ass Totally Punches Butt!

Just got back from Kick-Ass and it was great.  I was a fan of the comic (thought not it's release schedule), but the movie was better than the book this time around.  It had all the great satire of the comic without relying on any silly plot twists or anything like that.  I thought it was weird back when they announced they were making the film before the comic was even halfway done, but it turned out awesome.  Total kudos.

Scenes that I knew were coming were still effective and made me wince or laugh, and the new surprises were totally awesome.  The big surprise at the end was actually something I wanted to write into a script that was very very similar to Kick-Ass about six years ago.  Once the comic came out I abandoned that story.  Good thing I did, because I would have written something that looked like it was just riding on the coattails of this movie, and we all know that Hollywood frowns on imitation.

Nicolas Cage's acting can no longer be described as "bad" or "good," only "Nic Cage" or "ultra Nic Cage."  His performance in here is completely bizarre but actually makes sense with everything they were trying to do with it.  This is a movie that pokes fun at pretty much everything surrounding the comic book phenomenon, from fans on up, and then becomes the type of movie it's parodying with a wink and a nod.  The movie is paced and written so well that, by the end, when the story has shed all realism and gone straight superhero, it not only feels organic in the story but also is making you realize how totally silly superhero comics and movies can be.  The drop in realism is what made the action really ramp up here, and is what we love about superhero stories in general.

That's not a bad thing.  If I wanted something that wasn't silly, I'd read The Bible.  Oh wait.

I wanna talk about one more thing, but to do that I have to type something I've never ever typed before:

Okay, so even with all the jetpacks and craziness at the end, the movie still has a good dose of realism.  Turns out jetpacks are going on sale at the end of the year, for almost the same price as they do in the movie!  Crazy, right?  That means pretty much every single thing in the movie is completely possible: brainwashing, jetpacks and doofuses almost getting killed and instead becoming YouTube celebrities!

It's a great flick that makes you think about what it's about without boring you to death (I'm looking at you, Watchmen).

1 comment:

Holly said...

I wanted to see that movie

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I am in a comedy troupe. I read comic books. I eat nachos.